Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Year Ago She Marched and Now is a City Councillor

A year ago, my eldest daughter, two sons and I marched at the Provincial Legislature and now my Eldest Daughter is a City Councillor. And we are all so proud of her !

The amount of research, preparation of videos, contact via social media and door knocking that was done ! Our family took turns door knocking with the candidate, even the youngest at 7 years old ! She listened to the concerns of the residents and used them as she formulated her platform. Fortunately most of the candidates worked well together, were positive  and communicated well with each other. Because of her personality, hard work and dedication, she not only has supporters, but has made some good friends[ even with a defeated candidate ! ] The candidate that broke rules-- he was not elected. The candidate that had done no homework but came across as a good guy who jokes, - he was not elected, the incumbent who falsely accused other candidates- he was not elected.

The first thing Council did was to change alderman to Councillor. It was quick. - new signage and papers were needed for the new members so the cost to the city was negligible . Now in  Red Neck country, people are still making snide remarks that the women made it THE election focus,  stupid feminists , that it cost the City a bundle, etc. All untrue, but how they love to get onto local chat groups to complain and spout lies. Admin and members of a local chat group believe that the city council  are accountable to them - a very small group of posters, many who do not even live in the city. It has been an interesting lesson in society being a member of this particular group ! What they  haven't realized that council members have opted out of the group because even though they are presented with facts, they chose to ignore them and make disparaging remarks !

I am also astounded by the women who do not understand  what feminism has been and is about. They need to read what rights their grandmothers [ and before] did not have. They need to understand how those who have gone before fought for what they, as 21st women have today. Ignorant, many through biblical beliefs.

I took the day off after the election and ED, ES Hubby and I took down election signs !  Each candidate, winner or loser  took down all signs and then brought them to a central place where they were organized and ready for pick up !  Since then this council has trained with lawyers, city admin, engineers. Committees were chosen and homework done ! MY councillor is on the three largest committees because of her education and experience in all three levels of government. Funny thing-- one of the largest committees she is on is the Edmonton Metro  Council. The Mayor of Edmonton congratulated her for so quickly becoming a Councillor ! LOL Her university for whom she works is behind her all the way and the President of the U has said how proud they are of her. All good things.

Other than that , our ordinary life is just motoring along. We pick up two grandchildren every day from school. My job is to have enough snacks for them as they are always starved ! ED took YS EGS and me to the Winspear to hear Harry Potter for our birthdays. She took me to the Jubilee to hear Amadeus which was absolutely wonderful. Then as a thank you for all the work we did on her campaign, we have been going to hockey games ! Only ES and YGS had a winning hockey game but of course we enjoyed the game !! YS and Hubby [ who has already been to one] go later on this year ! What a wonderful thank you !

Christmas was lovely. The younger generation all went to the Waterpark before we all met up at YD's house. Of course YGS's other grandparents were invited and they seem to enjoy themselves. I guess they are becoming more and more comfortable with us. Funny thing. They have this old family friend who has been in the hospital and several times was expected to die. However she has rallied. Now, she is leaving YGS money  in her will !!! All this money [ no idea how much  or how little] would have gone to YGS's biological mother ! Haha

I came down with a cold on Boxing Day and slept most of the holidays. Most of our staff was sick. It looks like our ELI program is good to go next year. Can I do another year ?

Today I am making some ham and lentil soup with any veggie I can find to add in.  I ran out of wool for the poncho I was making, even though I bought the amount required. I've knit it twice and make rip it out to do it one more time . I've been cutting out hexagons  and will make another quilt to use up some more bits and pieces. It may be the weather or lack of sunshine, but I have had a hard time obviating myself to get anything done. No oomph ! This morning I cleaned out the medicine cabinet in one bathroom and may make my way upstairs to do the other one. We'll see.

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Eclection has Begun !

After two months of preparation and planning, the municipal election starts today ! ED and her crew were out til after 4am putting up the large signs ! At 10:00, nomination papers will be filed and the hard work will continue !

It's been quite the family affair which has been great for family unity , Hubby goes out on the weekends to doors knock, YS goes weekday nights, ES follows the next day in the subdivisions that were started the day before, I provide meals and babysitting ![ and keep track of commentators and posters on election pages] I've also gathered names and people that want lawn signs which are fabulous. In fact they are referred to as lawn art as they are very different from the norm.]

today Hubby will make an appointment for YGS as he hurt his arm when he was with the other grandparents. Why they didn't phone ES , I don't know. Yesterday afternoon, he sat and the arm did not move at all. could be a bad bone bruise, a hairline fracture. didn't affect his appetite at all.

Now we're got another four weeks of hard work to go !

Sunday, September 10, 2017

And We're Off !!

School is back in session and honestly some days I couldn't believe that I was still working !!  Nor could I believe that I canoed down the North Saskatchewan River ! [ I sat in the middle of a voyageur canoe so I didn't have to paddle !] It was so calm and peaceful when we joined all four canoes together and just floated with the current. A unique experience that I had never done before.This week I will actually start working with individual kids so that will make the days go faster.

ED's election campaign is in full swing. Friday night she and her Dad started door to door campaigning. Her strength is listening and engaging people [ as well as massive amounts of research] Her election signs and literature are unique. Lots of hard work ahead for her family and friends. Since I can't walk, I provide babysitting and meals.

We've picked up the older two grandchildren twice this week. We'll do that until their house is sold and they move to Memphis Yesterday they had a garage sale -- sure hope they sold our tires and rims from the Jeep. We also took 2 water pumps from the pond. I don't care if they go for $5, I want them gone !

Both sons were at a baseball tournament, their last this season, so they decided to camp. YGS said that I was lucky because I had two days for my weekend and he had only one as he had to go every Saturday with his maternal grandparents. He would rather stay home and play with his friends and at the park. We told him that in some things, he has the choice whether to go or not . So although his auntie had planned to take hi to another football game, he decided to stay home with me!, Grandpa went to the game in his place- the first in 44 years ! LOL

My friends and family loved their Outlander boxes. I use mine as an extra jewelry box. Supper will be planned so there will be no interruptions !

The Tuesday before school started we went to the Canadian Wholestore store and picked up some beef, and inside round, that I cut into 3 roasts and enough steaks for 15 meals.Then we detoured up to St. Albert for a quick trip into Value Village. I picked up another skirt and two tops, and Hubby picked up some books to keep himself occupied while he waits at school.In one week at school with all the walking I have to do, the skirt has become a little loose . Alterations are in the works. Today I want to dig out a skirt that I had bought a couple of years ago and see if I can alter that.Too funny.. One day in the summer while I was at the dollar store to pick up the little wooden boxes, I bought a necklace for $3.50. It is attractive and received many complements on it when I wore it to school ! LOL. I should have picked up more ! :)

I think I am done pickling, freezing, canning except for tomatoes. We have a lot of tomatoes that we need to pick soon and bring in to ripen. Yesterday YGS and I tore out some plants for the composter. I might try and take some cuttings from the geraniums and fuchsia,
YGS and I went grocery shopping and he asked me if I even knew how to drive ! That was the first time I had driven him ! Hubby usually does or we're in the car together so he had no idea that I can drive ! Heck I've been driving for 47 years ! However being down to one car, I don't drive very often as I don't have to. He helped bag groceries and brought in all but one bag from the garage He even put things into the pantry. I'll have to figure out where he put them ! we. Put a couple of pizzas in the oven when we were given the signal so our candidate and campaign manager could eat and go. Timing was perfect !

We are blessed. Hubby wanted to make spaghetti sauce, but said there was no room in our  large upright freezer . First world problems, huh ? We have food, we're warm, we've clothes. We are by no means well off, but we have all the essentials. We're not in the way of a hurricane or a forest fire or tornadoes. Our tornado season has ended and even our summer storms were not that vicious. The air quality has not been great as the fires in BC rage, but we can stay indoors.

Next week is our first full week and it'll be long ! But how lucky I can still work !

Monday, August 21, 2017

Whoa - Now that was a Break !!

The time has just flown by. It is true that as the older you get, the faster time flies !

This summer has been a time of relaxation. I have been very selfish. If I wanted to deep clean, I did. If I wanted to sit and read, I did [ 28 books ! ] If I wanted to sew or knit or craft, I did !! See.. I did  what was important to me.

The new shed was put up with the help of our sons. then the lean to was erected again with the help of our sons. It is shingled and gradually the items to be stored there have been placed. When the  old shed was torn down, the floor joists were crammed full of spruce cones by the darn squirrels. Hopefully they can not chew their way into the new composite. So that side of the garden is being tidied up.This week more trees will be trimmed.

There are still 4 Rooms needing baseboards installed. Perhaps in September, OH can get to those ! [ If he leaves his train set up for a little while ! ] It is funny, he starts working so late in the mornings or early afternoons. I am done by ten am !

I finished my English Paper piecing quilt while watching the Tour de France. I am pleased with it. I might make one more as it is easy enough to work on as one watches tv. This summer I have knit 7 stockings, two Nostalgic Quilt baby afghans and am now working on a poncho from wool given to me by a friend at work. Her mother was put in a home and had much wool and material. I am sure she will be surprised that the huge [ HUGE  blue bag] is now empty ! this week I am planning on making a couple of bags for school to shove my lunch, sweater etc in.

As Outlander is starting in less than three weeks, and as my girls and friends are also aficionados, I have made 7 ' Outlander Treasure Boxes" I was given a daily Outlander calendar with gorgeous pictures which I couldn't throw out. I used the to decoupage the tops and inside the lid. Used velvet to make a cushioned bottom as well as organza bags. I am drying lavender to put inside the little bag. They turned out well.  I had bag the organza jewelry bags earlier in the year for my necklaces. It'll be a treat not to have any tangled chains.

We have bartered our sour cherries for apples. As well as freezing bags of cherries for Cherry Bounce, I have pitted 14 cups of cherries and canned pie filling. I have another 16 pounds of cherries to pit hopefully to dehydrate. I've frozen applesauce, saskatoons and rhubarb . Today I may Blanche and freeze some beans from ED's veggie box to go with the squad for use in winter stews and soups. the only thing holding me back for freezing more is the limited room in the big freezer !  It looks like I have a good crop of green tomatoes. I need to get out there and strip some of the branches off so they get more sunshine.

I've a little more than a week before school starts again. Imagine that, 68 and I'm still going to school ! After the car accident, our savings went to buying a new vehicle. I need to build up that savings account again. also since our YD and family are moving to Memphis, Tenn we need to have money saved for airfare and health insurance. I don't think acreages are selling well right now. siL is leaving September 25th and she and the kids are staying til the house sells.

We are going to be I king up the kids after school [ and being paid for it ! ] this money will be saved for travelling. Now we just have to figure out my quitting time at work  to coordinate  the pick ups.

ED is running for City Council so we , as a family, are all involved with that. It seems like she is already having an affect. Incumbents who are old, one with Alzheimer's , are scared of the new ones that are running. She has people talking about the issues which is a good thing. what is important to her is that people vote and become involved. It will be interesting to see how many people recognize when we volunteer at the Tour of Alberta on September 2nd.

My Summer

28 books read
1 Quilt finished
7 Christmas stockings knit
2 Nostalgic Quilt baby afghans
1 summer picnic to Elk Island with the 3 grandkids
25 jewelry bags made
7 Outlander Treasure Boxes

1 Garden Shed
1 Lean to built and shingled

NO camping as the National parks are packed
Very little money spent :)
Trees to be trimmed

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Winter Hiatus

It would be lovely to say we were on a break or vacation for our " winter Hiatus", but alas  we were just here at home vegging !  January was just the daily grind of going to work, coming home cooking and not much else ! Hubby had a mild case of shingles. Thankfully it didn't bother him too much, or at least he didn't complain too much ! I've followed the American soap opera and am continually appalled. My eldest daughter and two sons marched at the Alberta Legislature with me on January 21st. I had knotty three 'pink pussy hats'  My sons wore pink scarves. It was a good gathering., many families, many men. I hope my sons have been brought up to respect women  and that all are equal. I took them all out for Vietnamese food afterwards. My husband's politics are 180* from ours. He has become very quiet as late. You cannot have such hate in your heart for one candidate that it obscures the faults of the opposition.

I cannot communicate with some web friends in the States as I am so disgusted with their politics. They are nice people but they are so blind as to what is going on.These three same 'friends' have done well under Obama; all will be in trouble if something drastic happens to Medicaid. And I will not be upset if they suffer as they have been so stupid !

In February we went through our finances with our financial advisor and it looks like we will' make it' as we are frugal ! Carol said if only all her other clients were debt free Ina mortgage free house and with savings ! I want to work one more year to put s one more money away. We are getting a new roof, the basement floor [ for the third time ! -- it better never flood again ! ] is going in this weekend , and then we'll shop for new furniture ! All the money has been saved for that. But I want money put aside for new windows and kitchen floor.

For. Hubby's 70th birthday we went to an Escapae Room which was fun. OGS picked the hardest room !! Then we met the rest of the family and bowled for 2 hours ! Lots of fun but I felt it the next day. Supper at The Keg was delicious ! So a very good day for Hubby and the family.

We had part of the family over for YS's birthday as it was on a weekday. Since then we've babysat, had sleepovers and dentist visits. Not very exciting, just ordinary every day life. I'm putting the hexagons on the last long side of the quilt. this part is going very slowly ! I'll have to look up some videos and see how I will finish it ! I had knit a shawl, but didn't like it so I ripped it all out !

It has snowed for three days; more snow than it has all winter and bitterly cold. YS was off work all last week which is why he was able to start on the flooring. This week it is supposed to warm up to above freezing so the roads will be a mess ! We do need moisture though as it has been a very dry winter around here. People at work are starting to talk of seeding . We want to see some greenery although we will have to go through that dirty ugly phase first. Actually we have already gone through a couple of weeks of brown sludge during the thaw. I"m anxious to see my Canada 150 tulips bloom !

Today I'll continue working on the quilt, clean bathrooms and maybe even clean out the fridge !  As we have our time change today, I'm thankful there is not much on tv tonight to keep me up as my system does not handle the time change ! No need for it anymore ! Sheesh I am getting old !

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Freezing Cold !

2017 has been cold !! Really cold !! The whole extended family has vegetated indoors, It's so cold you don't even want to go out to take the garbage to the bin !!

NYE was very simple. YGS entered and talked , without stop, for a half an hour.  the only reason he stopped was that he had to eat supper ! He thoroughly enjoyed the hot dogs, saying he hadn't had any for ages ! He finished his first one before Hubby had heated his buns !! No treats were asked for, and after a turn on Grandpa's iPad, he went up to bed and slept for 11 hours !! The sons had a good time at their party, Apparently everyone liked the pirogues wrapped in bacon ! ES's go to dish for potluck's !!
I got up early on NYD and made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce which we would use that night if YS was into eating--which he was and which we did ! Aside from that I cannot remember a thing I did that day !! Oh yes, I phoned one sister. Her operation is going ahead even with shingles on the other leg !

Monday was a stat holiday.I went through my closet and snuck a few more things into Hubby's closet. I finished the pink hexagons on the third row and attached to to the others, finishing that off this morning. I'm switching to some knitting to give my finger tips a rest. PJ's have been shortened. The stove top has been cleaned and all things have been put into the freezer. Hubby wants more turkey so I'll cook one on on Friday. We've been repairing the meat keeper from the fridge with some Gorilla glue . After that sets, we'll use the white Gorilla tape Hubby bought to finished the repair . Right now he's working he's working in the basement. I cleaned out the toy box that is in my room. Never thought at my age that I'd still be cleaning out a toy box !  Tomorrow our sil will bring his truck and he'll pick up some drywall to repair the  basement bathroom.

I'll try to make a hairdressing appointment for Thursday or Friday. Gee that means I'll have to get dressed ! I sure have enjoyed my pj days.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve 2017

So we have come to the end of 2016, a year full of surprises and not all of them good. However we all soldier on, living our lives the best way we know how.  This morning, before 7 am, I've made cheesey cauliflower soup and hemmed Hubby's new pair of pj's. Both of us are so short, we have to hem everything !! So that's two more items off my list.

We thought we would be alone tonight, but because the maternal grandmother has the flu, we will have YGS here tonight. As I feel I have cooked all week[ well I have been ! ] I mentioned hot dogs and Hubby said that would be good ! So hot dogs it is for our New Year's Eve meal with sone raw veggies and maybe ice cream for the YGS. When I think of how we used to plan meals/ go out, it seems quite comical to me. I guess the older we get, we realize that it is just another day. The only important thing is that we have to remember to write 2017 !

Early this evening, I'll. Phone my sister. She was supposed to be having knee replacement surgery this month, but has come down with shingles !!  I might phone the other one, it all depends on how I feel or remember later on. She is a sister that although she demanded gifts for her kids, never sent ours gifts. I made sure I sent gifts for her granddaughters, although she hasn't seen them for decades. She has never even sent a card for their births ! Once my mother died, actually even before, her extended family was not important to her . Now she is a widow and has been alone for 5 or 6 years. Her son has just moved back home with his ex wife. They divorced after 4 months of marriage and 25 years later are back together. Living in her basement !! so now she has family around her again which is a good thing although she has become a grandmother to another family.  I am sure, in fact we know, that her friends do not think we are very good to her, but they do not know the whole story. Everyone will praise her, not realizing what she has done to the family for years. So be it.... We know the truth.

Later today, Hubby will do the laundry and I want to flip the bed before we remake it. The floors and dusting need doing so I'll tackle that while he goes out to get peppercorns, hot dogs and hot dog buns !1 Whoo hoo exciting !!  We'll settle in to watch the WJH game at 1:30.  An exciting day ahead !